Internet Shorthand & Emotions

:-) grin
:-( disappointment
8-) user wearing sunglasses
;-) a wink
:-& tongue-tied
:-O shocked, or user is yelling
:-< disappointed
: [ real downer
:-I indifference
(-: user is left-handed
: - {) user has a mustache
:-@ user is screaming
:-D laughter
:-/ skepticism
LOL Laugh out loud, usually in disbelief
FOCL Fall of chair laughing
BTW By the way
FAQ Frequently asked question
FWIW For what it's worth
FYI For your information
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMO In my opinion
PMFBI Pardon me for butting in
PMFJI Pardon me for jumping in
OTF On The Floor
RSN Real soon now
TIA Thanks in advance
INAL I'm not a lawyer
BRB Be Right Back

Related Links

Third Age - Signs & Symbols Glossary

Port 2000 - Internet Acronyms and emotions

Romulus2 - Internet Shorthand